Four Financial Tips to Help You Avoid Debt

In the modern world, debt is one of the biggest catastrophes that can hit an individual or a family. Not only does debt often mean dark gathering clouds of anxiety and worry, but it can have a significant impact on the whole of your life – including your credit score, your living circumstances, and the lifestyle you’re able to lead. As such avoiding debt situations should remain a top priority for individuals – especially during the COVID-19 crisis. This article offers four top tips to help you avoid debt, thus maintaining your healthy finances all year round.


The top tip – and one that’s been made a great deal easier in recent years – is to budget. Budgeting means taking account of every single dollar you spend, and seeing where your finances end up after a typical month. Most individuals and families will find that they’re spending far too much on certain things, be they subscription services or take-out coffees, and will be able to change their behavior accordingly. Being able to see your financial data in that form can encourage healthy spending habits that prevent you getting into debt.

Short-Term Loans

When you hit a rocky patch in your finances – like a temporary period of unemployment or a period during which you have to shoulder the costs of legal cases – you will need cash fast. Simply budgeting won’t be enough, as you’ll have immediate fees to pay, like your rent, your bills, and your grocery shop. As such, you may occasionally have to rely on short-term loan providers. If you own a vehicle, one neat service, available at, allows you to release the equity on that vehicle in exchange for cash. You’ll keep access to your car, and you’ll be able to pay your loan back as soon as you’re able to.

Making Investments

In the above loan option, your car is an investment asset. It’s an example of the wealth that you possess that isn’t in the form of cash. This is the sort of thing that can help stabilize individual and family finances – and it’s called diversifying your assets. If you’re able to make small investments over time – in stocks, in art, in vehicles, or in property – you’ll be best-placed to cash in on those in the hard times, or save up with them before your retirement.

Compare Prices

Finally, no savvy operator in the financial world should be shopping indiscriminately without checking first that their purchases are the best possible value for money. In an age of price comparison websites and smart pricing on online stores such as Amazon, you’ll find that it’s easier than ever to find the best deals on all of your favorite products. Be sure to compare prices on those more expensive fees especially – like the bills you pay each month, and the costs of your monthly essentials. Domestic products and even food prices can vary wildly, so it’s best to do your research before filling your cart.

These tips will help you maintain a solid, robust financial life, keeping you away from crippling debt in the long term.