How to Make More Money as a Nurse

Nowadays, a great number of people often face the problem of lack of money. Regularly, this happens due to the global crisis, so that employers need to cut their workers’ salaries. However, in some cases, small wages are connected with underestimation of the amount of work and the importance of the profession from society and, accordingly, the employer. The profession of a nurse frequently falls into such a “wave of unappreciation.” 

In fact, nurses do a huge job because they have a great number of duties, except medical ones. Moreover, nurses are supposed to work long shifts sometimes in terrible conditions and, from time to time, to deal with some unpleasant behavior of people. Undoubtedly, we cannot deny how vital and nervous at the same time their job is. Although, in spite of the facts mentioned above, nurses are still underpaid and, consequently, they usually want to have another sort of income.

Loans as a Common Type of Nurses’ Incomes

The most common way to get more money as a nurse is to apply for installment loans no credit check. It is a pity because nurses could earn more money with the help of their knowledge, however, in reality, sometimes things do not happen in such a way. An installment loan is a credit that you acquire one-time and then pay back in fixed payments every month. 

The appealing thing for low-paid people is that usually, money lenders do not check your credit story, credit score, or your ability to pay back before lending you money because installment loans have high-interest rates and short repayment limitations. As a matter of fact, installment loans with no credit check are a quite risky way of borrowing money because of the conditions under which these loans are issued to the neediest. That is why you should always evaluate your capabilities objectively and understand the possible consequences.

By the way, installment loans are quite popular among nurses. They often stuck with their debts because of their low-payments. Some recent surveys made by social and medical organizations claim that today 30% of nurses between the age of 20 to 50 have such loans.

Actually, installment loans are not the only type of loan that nurses could borrow. Regularly, some nurses, who have not finished their medical degrees yet and have practiced as nurses, have student loans. Student loans, on the one hand, could help young nurses to finish their studying years, but, on the other hand, could make big financial problems for young nurses. 

There are some analyses that have been done by social survey centers, which show us that one-third of graduates who have debts are unemployed and, therefore, cannot pay the money back. This actively demonstrates that nursing students get into the job market with considerable financial liabilities which, surely, could have an influence on their future opportunities to have a job and repay. Indeed, a lot of sociologists declare that governments cannot turn away from this problem and call on to solve it as far as possible. Maybe this could impact on conditions under which loans are giving out.

Part-Time Jobs

Deviating from the topic of loans, here are some other ways of making extra money as a nurse.

  • Some nurses work part-time as home nurses. There are a number of agencies that give services to people who are bedridden and not able to leave their own houses. Nurses usually apply for such a part-time job in these agencies. The main duties of a home nurse are to visit a particular number of patients and provide some medical care that they need. Consistently, such care contains general checkups, clothes changing, monitoring blood pressure, blood sugar measurement, and other resemblant medical responsibilities. In point of fact, such a job is a great type of part-time work because it does not need a great effort. Furthermore, it is a very noble occupation because giving a helping hand to helpless people is an essential thing.
  • Another nursing part-time job is giving individual medical online-consultations. Many companies, specialized in such a matter, may give you an opportunity to remotely assist people on their illnesses, make diagnoses and write prescriptions for medicines. You would have your own list of patients who would need to be controlled. This job is convenient for many nurses, and the particular reason for such satisfaction is the ability to make your own comfortable schedule based on your scope.
  • Last, but not least, is working as an immunization nurse. Many people from the medical sphere are familiar with such an opportunity. Immunization nurse is a seasonal part-time job, which starts in September. It is a well-known fact that when autumn begins a lot of people become infected with influenza disease. The flu activity starts nearly from October and continues until the spring. This firmly demonstrates the fact that a lot of people want to have flu shots in order to avoid this disease. That is why many regional immunization clinics usually look for nurses who can provide the service of making the vaccine.

There Is Always a Way Out

To sum everything that has been stated so far, it can be seen that there are a lot of ways of having another source of income being a nurse. However, although there are plenty of types of part-time jobs where nurses could use their professional knowledge as a wellspring of money earning, some nurses prefer just to have installment loans with no credit checks. The reason for this fact is quite obvious — it is easier to make monthly payments from salary to salary. Anyway, there is no doubt that every nurse has the ability to make their own choice related to their own comfort and opportunities.