Keeping Your Finances in Check Whilst Living Abroad

No matter where you live, you should always have a firm grasp on your finances. It’s important to know how much you are spending, how much you are saving, and how much you are earning at any given moment.

Whether you are making the move for a long period time or a short period of time, there are some crucial steps you should take to manage your finances whilst abroad.

Open a Local Bank Account

International bank transfers can end up costing you quite a lot. If you are planning on settling down in a foreign country, it’s wise to open a local bank account. Many countries require a local bank account if you are looking to lease a car or apartment. Furthermore, this will save you from high exchange rates.

Keep an Account Open at Home

You may only move for a few years, or you may end up living there forever. You never know when you might need to come back to your home country. Whatever the case, it’s prudent to keep a bank account open at home. Speak to your bank and ask them what options are available to you.

Find a Suitable Insurance Plan

You never know when you could find yourself in a tricky situation, so it’s always a good idea to prepare for the worst. That’s why you should always invest in health insurance for travelling abroad. Medical bills can be extremely expensive, especially as a foreigner in a different country, so a great way to cover future expenses is by getting the correct travel insurance.

Manage Your Property

If you have a property back home, you should make the most of this investment. Don’t leave it collecting dust, instead, hire a property manager to keep it occupied whilst you are gone. Not only will you make some extra money on the side, but you’ll also keep it maintained and free from intruders whilst you are abroad.


Get Used to Conversion Rates

When you live in a foreign country it’s easy to get carried away with how much things cost. Make sure to get used to the conversion rates and always calculate the price in your home currency before you buy. It may seem like your everyday items are extremely cheap, but once you do the math, it could end up being much more expensive than you thought.

Re-Adjust Your Budget

Whenever you move to a new country, or even a new state, you must factor in the new and additional costs. Make sure to re-adjust your budget and set yourself new spending limits. To get the best value for money, set yourself a daily budget in the local currency.

Adjusting to a new life abroad can be difficult. Don’t let something as simple as finances, further complicated your move. If you are still struggling to keep your finances under control whilst living in a new country, you can always reach out to a financial advisor for help.